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Suddenly, From Out Of The Blue

Description : None

NRN # : 000-1511-0225-01

DIMENSIONS : (Height - 53.00 cm X Width - 40.00 cm )

Medium on Base : Watercolour on Paper

Genre : Animals

Status : Sold

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Copyright : © Roger Edwards


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Born at Stawell Victoria in 1945 I grew up in the Wimmera town of Glenorchy, as a boy I was influenced by the love of the bush into a lifelong association with the natural history of birds.

My keeness for drawing birds has been with me ever since leaving school and becoming a Forest Officer in the state of Victoria working in the Grampians area for 35 years.

During this time my artwork has never waned, now that I am semi retired I am busier than ever on private commissions that tend to take up 80% of my painting output of watercolour artworks.

Over the years I have held exhibitions, won numerous awards and been featured in the Australian Artist. I now live at Cavendish on the south west corner of the Grampians in the Western District where I have a studio attached to the house.

I view every new painting as the next challenge to look forward to.

Artshow: Portland Rotary Art Show 2016
Title: A Wildfire Response
Award: Best Watercolour
Prize: $750
Artshow: Hamilton Rotary 2015
Title: Cassowary Study
Award: Best Local
Prize: $750
Artshow: Hamilton Rotary 2015
Title: Out Of The Ashes
Award: Peoples Choice
Prize: $200
Artshow: Warrnambool Rotary 2016
Title: Rainbow Birds
Award: Best Native Flora and Fauna
Prize: $450
Artshow: Hamilton Rotary 2011
Title: On Watch Above The Wannon
Award: Best Local
Prize: $750
Artshow: Cavendish Red Gum Festival 2017
Title: Cavendish Tenors
Award: Peoples Choice
Prize: Festival Gift
Artshow: Hamilton Rotary 2013
Title: Regent Honeyeater
Award: Best local
Prize: $750
Artshow: Hamilton Rotary 2013
Title: In All His Glory
Award: The Packers Prise
Prize: $300
Artshow: Portland Rotary 2010
Title: Roll Call
Award: Best Flora and Fauna
Prize: $500
Artshow: Portland Rotary 2009
Title: Red Tailed Black Cockatoo
Award: Best Flora and Fauna
Prize: $500
Artshow: Hamilton Rotary 2012
Title: Boobooks At Roost
Award: Best local
Prize: $750
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