Tell your friends about Hollywood Legends 1

Hollywood Legends 1

Description : None

NRN # : 000-35896-0270-01

DIMENSIONS : (Height - 46.00 cm X Width - 36.00 cm )

Medium on Base : Watercolour on Paper

Genre : Portrait

Status : Sold

Artist has followers

Copyright : © Pam Fox


Framed: $180.00
Un-Framed: $130.00


I have been drawing and painting most of my life and have a passion for portraits. Over the years I have been fortunate enough to win several first prizes and other awards for my paintings and this year was selected as a finalist for the RSASA portrait prize.   My watercolour was selected and used as the title in ABC series “Great Expectations” that went to air July 2013.

As a member of Henley and Grange Art Society I was tutored by South Australian artist and teacher Trent Duffy.  This was for a period of approximately 10 years and included all mediums and techniques such as still life and life drawing.

No Awards Available
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