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Babe Barney Owl

Description : None

NRN # : 000-36655-0150-01

DIMENSIONS : (Height - 29.00 cm X Width - 24.00 cm )

Medium on Base : Watercolour on Paper

Genre : Animals

Status : Not Currently for Sale Online

Artist has followers

Copyright : © Debbie Russell


Not Currently for Sale Online


Debbie Russell was born in Horsham, Western Victoria. Her experience with nature & wildlife spanned throughout her childhood & teenage years having lived on a farm until she was 15 and then relocating to a farming station in the Douglas Daly region, N.T. During this time Debbie completed her secondary studies in Darwin. Deb's passion for painting was the motivation to further her studies in Art at Ballarat University, Vic, successfully completing her Bachelor of Arts (visual Arts) in 1991. Now married, with Children, Debbie has settled in Horsham and is recognised locally for her Graphic Artistry & Wildlife Painting. She now works part-time around the busyness of family life at her home studio.


With the combination of time, passion & patience Debbie's artworks come to completion. Inspiration is born when enjoying the garden vistors of the feathery kind in her own back yard, or bush walking & visiting wild life parks around Australia. Once drawn to a particular animal, immediately the creative process begins in her mind; how best to sketch, position and paint the subject. The transformation of a blank piece of paper to colour, form, tone, and a sense of life, is her greatest challenge and joy! Deb's preferred meduim of choice is Gouache or Water Colour Pencils on high quality water colour papers.


"It is my hope as an artist, that the viewer can share in the appreciation I have for wildlife. Not only seeing the beauty & uniqueness of some of our Australian bush characters, but perhaps to be able to share in that sneak peak of their personality, that I tend to see".

Artshow: Australian Wild Awards
Title: Pygmy Possum Magic
Award: Highly Commended/ Flora
Artshow: The Moonee Valley Art Show 2023
Title: Tucker Time
Award: Best Watercolour 2nd Prize
Sponsor: McDonald Upton Real Estate
Prize: $250
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