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Summer Evening

Description : None

NRN # : 000-3171-0159-01

DIMENSIONS : (Height - 96.00 cm X Width - 91.00 cm )

Medium on Base : Oil on Canvas

Genre : Contemporary

Status : For Sale

Artist has followers

Copyright : © Kerry Doran


Un-Framed: $2650
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Kerry Doran was born in Bendigo. Kerry has been painting in oils his entire life and has had exhibitions in Melbourne ,Sydney, Los Angeles and San Francisco.

"I try to convey in  my paintings a sense of light and shade and am happy only when this balance has been achieved.  Space , light and  atmosphere are crucial to my art. Everything I paint I hope has perfect harmony, where nothing stands out to call attention to itself,nor violates a sense of wholeness or compactness the painting projects."

Exhibitions have been at the Wagner Art Gallery Sydney, Delshan Art Gallery Melbourne (1995 to 2004) ,Gallery Carla San Francisco,(2001 -  2004) and Panoply Art Gallery Melbourne (2013-2014)

Kerry's paintings have been exhibited at the Los Angeles Art Fair and the New York Art Fair. .His work is in numerous collections including the late Dinah Shore, Clint Eastwood, Patrick Willams (composer Los Angeles).

Art Prizes:

Victor Harbor Oil Prize 1997

Camberwell Art Show..Best Still Life1997

St. Kevin's Best Oil Painting 2000

SPLASH Art Show Best Painting 2014  Judge Mardi Nowak ,Senior Curator of the Town Hall Gallery Hawthorn Vic.

Artshow: SPLASH Art Show
Title: View Within A Room
Award: Best Painting
Sponsor: Kew Primary School
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