Tell your friends about Peony Envy

Peony Envy

Description : The original photograph was taken in my garden - a beautiful, blousy tree Peony.
Mostly worked in watercolour on canvas with added textural grounds.

NRN # : 000-2538-0202-01

DIMENSIONS : (Height - 50.00 cm X Width - 77.00 cm )

Medium on Base : Mixed Media on Canvas

Genre : Impressionist

Status : For Sale


Artist has followers

Copyright : © Kate Collins


Un-Framed: $375
FREE Within Australia:
Outside Australia: $25.00

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Studied Art and Design at Stourbridge College of Art U.K. majoring in Textile Design

Four terms at Botanical Art School Melbourne

Course in Botanical Art, Peninnsula Tafe


Pastel Society of Victoria

Australian Guild of Realist Artists

Yarra Valley Arts


Friends on the Hill              Monbulk

The Olive Gallery                Milawa

Indigo Winery                    Beechworth

Brumfield Winery               Seville

The Art's Centre                 Warburton

George Kirford Gallery        Beechworth


ist Prize Still Life                 Pastel Society of Victoria

Best in Show                      A.G.R.A. Summer Show

Best in Show                      King Valley Art Show

3 Encouragement Awards    Camberwell Art Show

Best in Show                      Marysville Art Show

Many Highly Commended Awards


Feature Articles Published in Australian Artist Magazine

Finalist in the U.S. Artists magazine 3oth Anniversary edition


Artshow: Pastel Society of Victoria Art Show
Award: Best Still Life
Sponsor: Art Spactrum
Prize: 500
Artshow: Camberwell Art Show
Title: Bloo-moo
Award: Encouragement Award
Sponsor: Studio Craft
Prize: 500
Artshow: AGRA Summer Seasonal Art Show
Title: From The Veggie Patch
Award: Best Painting
Sponsor: Senior Art Supply
Prize: Senior Art Supplies to the value of $250
Artshow: U3A Knox Art & Craft Show
Title: The Longest Lunch
Award: Highly Commended
Sponsor: U3A
Prize: $60
Artshow: U3A Knox Art & Craft Show
Title: Big Sky
Award: Highly Commended
Sponsor: U3A
Prize: $60
Artshow: U3A Knoz Art & Craft Show
Title: Sheep Meet
Award: Highly Commended
Sponsor: U3A
Prize: $50
Artshow: Yea Art Show
Title: Fruit & Fabric
Award: Highly Commended
Sponsor: Rotary
Prize: $60
Artshow: Warburton Art Show 2014
Title: Ta Prohm Angkor
Award: Highly Commende
Sponsor: Comunity Enterprises
Prize: 100
Artshow: Aerican " Artist Magazine " 2014
Title: From The Veggie Patch
Award: Finalist
Artshow: Artists Magazne
Title: From The Veggie Patch
Award: Finalist 2014
Artshow: Yarra Glen Art Show
Title: Reflections
Award: Highly Commended
Artshow: \' OFF THE WALL \' Art Show Warburton
Title: Reflections
Award: Best work on paper
Prize: $ 300
Artshow: Camberwell Art Show 2016
Title: Poppy Hare
Award: Framing Award
Sponsor: Studio Craft
Prize: $500
Artshow: Camberwell Art Show
Title: Poppy Hare
Award: Encouragement Award
Sponsor: Studio Craft Picture Framers
Prize: $500
Artshow: Marysville Art Show Vic
Title: Reflections
Award: Best in Show
Sponsor: Murrundindi Shire
Prize: $ 1500
Artshow: Flinders Art Show
Title: Moo-dy
Award: Packers Prize
Sponsor: Flinders art show
Prize: 100
Artshow: Camberwell Art Show
Title: Pattern Pop
Award: Honerable mention
Sponsor: Judges
No Social Media Shared










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