Jocelyne Godber was born in Trouville sur mer (Normandy) France; she is a self-taught artist who paints in all mediums in a realist style. Her artistic life began in early childhood; she would spend many hours drawing & always seeking new subject matter.
What began as a part time hobby over the years evolved into a full time Artist.
Her passion is to express herself in whatever medium called on to compliment the chosen subject, she is always tackling new challenges.
Jocelyne has explored lots of art groups and specialist tutors to further her technical knowledge and understanding of certain mediums.
She has been inspired by various artists past and present, choosing the works of many internationally know Artists and closely studying their brushstrokes and techniques. Initially she experimented and focused on watercolour & inks, then onto oils, acrylics and pastels as well as colour pencils. She uses mixed media, lately uses pastel on velvet paper mainly for her wildlife paintings.
Regardless of the medium chosen, she believes that having a fascination with the effects of light on a subject and close observation of life's intriguing details are significant to creating an interesting work of art.
She has also been painting miniatures for few years and is a member with several Miniatures Groups such as (AIM - Art in Miniature in Canberra A.C.T., Miniature Painters, sculptors, & Gravers Society in Washington D.C., Seaside Gallery- Nags Heads N.C. USA. Has recently exhibited with her miniatures in Levis,Quebec, Canada.
Jocelyne has held several solo and joint exhibitions that have all been very successful with many sales and commissions. She participates in many art shows and competitions. Her art is also represented in numerous private Collections in Australia as well in France, Sweden,Ireland, Malaysia, United State of America.
Miniatures on Instagram (AIM - art_in_miniature)
MPSGS - Miniature Painters, Sculptors & Gravers Society of Washington DC - www.mpsgs.org
Have been with gallery247 for 6 years, both free and now paid. Wonderful on line platform for artists which has made my work easy to find and i don't need to worry about setting up my own website; they even forwarded a message from a community college i volunteered for a few years ago, for an art tutor.
Date: Mon 27 Nov 2023